The Wisdom of Women

The Wisdom of Women

Last week, I discovered Lauren Martin’s wonderful effort to curate the wisdom and grace of women through the ages – Words of Women. And it got me thinking about the women in my own life whose words have made me pause to think. Whose words I remember even today as life-altering in however small a way, perhaps even far from the original context.

What better end-of-the-year ritual than to reflect on these and see what I can carry forward into 2022!

“Things have a way of untangling themselves.”

My mother-in-law keeps a beautiful home and one of the things you’ll immediately notice are the bead curtains that frame every doorway. Some are made of glass globules. Others are of long wooden beads and macrame. They are very pretty – but also have a habit of getting tangled up if you brush past them roughly. 

One warm afternoon, I was sitting on the little balcony that is Amma’s work corner (and my favourite spot in the house) trying to untangle the bead curtain that framed the door into it. I had been at it for over fifteen minutes, trying to coax the bead strings to loosen their death-grip around each other, and getting increasingly impatient. It seemed the more I tried, the more knots they tied themselves up in. 

I was just considering cutting off the shorter end of one of the strings when Amma came in. “This isn’t working,” I told her, frustrated. 

“Let them be,” she said, taking the strings between her fingers and calmly, gently, shaking them. “Things have a way of untangling themselves.”

And almost magically, I saw the bead strings unravel and slip back into their positions, swinging merrily. I don’t know if Amma meant anything more metaphorical but I read all kinds of meaning into her words. 

Even today when I find myself thrashing about in a seemingly impossible situation, I remember what she said. I take a deep breath and tell myself, things will sort themselves out. I just have to let them be.

“Then do it.”

This happened some years ago. I was looking down the barrel of an insanely busy week. Everywhere I turned, it seemed there were only chores to be done and tasks to be completed. Work deadlines, house maintenance, personal goals, life admin. 

I felt the weight of living press against me. And that night when I called my mother, I started telling her how stressed I was. I have to do this, then that, then the next, then something else after. It’s just too much. It’s never-ending. It’s a LOT.

I think she listened for about fifteen minutes. And she said, “Then do it.”

Cut off mid-sentence, I paused. “What?”

“You’re saying you have so much work, right? Then do it.”

I was struck dumb. What a simple solution! When you have a list of things to do, thinking, talking, planning – none of it will help until you actually start doing them. And I seemed to have forgotten that basic fact.

I still have such weeks of to-dos as long as my leg. But whenever I catch myself fretting about them, I get up and do one thing. The smallest. The easiest. Somehow, it becomes simpler from there and before I know it, I am in the swing of things. And it is rarely as hard as I imagine.

“See people as assets.”

My mother, my sister-in-law, and I had visited a relative’s house. I had walked there and they had come on a scooter. By the time we left after saying goodbye, it was past 9pm. 

I was about to set off on the walk back when my sister-in-law said she’d join me. “It’s okay,” I told her, “Go with Ammai. I’ll walk home quickly.” But she insisted. So my mother drove home and the two of us walked back. 

On the way, I explained to her why I preferred to walk by myself. “See, it’s dark. What if something nasty happens? If I’m on my own, I can take care of myself. When you’re with me, I feel responsible for you and have to figure out how to keep you safe. That’s why I asked you and Ammai to go on ahead.”

“Oh,” she said, “I feel just the opposite. If there are two of us, isn’t it better than being alone, especially if something nasty happens?”

We walked on quietly but her words brought me a powerful realization.

Perhaps I was seeing people as liabilities, not assets. I was always trying to take care of others and protect them when they could be – and often were – my allies and support system. 

Rarely are relationships one-way and I feel all the better for being reminded of that. These days when I have the urge to be a lone warrior, I remind myself to ask for help.

“You can always laugh about it.”

My cousin lives in another country and has little family nearby. She has a lot of responsibilities at work and home. And in the past few years, the family has had more than their fair share of health crises, both big and small. With the lockdown, she hasn’t been able to come and see her parents for over 2 years.There are always fires to put out at work. Her kids are young and have many needs. 

Yet, she is the first in the family to dress up and celebrate every occasion. Every festival, every birthday, every anniversary. She wishes us, reminds us, shares photos, and goes over and above to give everyone a good time. 

Every time I speak to her, she is laughing. Last week, she was sharing a pretty serious medical diagnosis with me – making jokes all the while and telling me a wisecrack she made to her young, fit physiotherapist. 

“I’m glad to see you are taking it well,” I told her. And she said, “Well, I can’t change how things are. All I can do is laugh about it.”

I’ve been taking her cue and trying this laugh therapy myself. Last week, a coconut fell on our new car and I was able to laugh about it. And when I did, a thought came suddenly, “Thank goodness it didn’t fall on someone!” 

A client did a complete U-turn on a project after days of effort. I was irritated but then decided to laugh it off. And when I did, my mind cleared and I texted him calmly saying I’d have to charge him a kill fee for the original effort. Sure, no problem, he texted back. I almost couldn’t believe it! If I had been fuming, I couldn’t have come up with such a rational solution.

I look forward to trying this a lot more in 2022.

“Do it for you.”

This is a story about another cousin. One who discovered the joy of running in her mid-30s. She used to be a pretty athletic person in her college days but somehow, like many of us, fell out of the habit for a long, long time. 

Then she caught a second wind. She began to carve out time for herself – early in the morning, late in the evening, in between her kids’ classes and her husband’s work hours – to go for a run. She started small but she kept at it. In spite of changing houses and cities, traveling to and from families, the pandemic that kept us all indoors, and crazy schedules, she stuck to it. If she had to stop for a few weeks, she restarted when she could.

Today, she has been running for over 3 years. She does 10K most days, I think. Perhaps more.  In our cousins’ group where we share tidbits about life, I was telling her about my fledgling attempts to eat mindfully and work out regularly. “I want to lose about 10kgs in 6 months. I like running – the feel of the wind in my face. Still, it feels like a chore to do it.”

“Do it for you.” she said. “Don’t do it to lose weight. Or with some number or goal in mind. Just do it for yourself because you like it.”

So that’s what I do these days. I walk or run or do yoga whenever I can. But I don’t obsessively check my weight or mark it on my tracking app. I say no to food indulgences as much as I can – and when I fail to resist temptation, I don’t beat myself up. Because now I know I will say no next time. Because now I know this is a lifestyle I have chosen – not a temporary campaign that ends in X weeks or months. Now I know that I am doing it for myself.

“Your body will tell you.”

The other day, I was struggling to make a decision about a new project. The work was interesting. The money was good. Everything seemed okay, yet a part of me was resisting signing the contract. And for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why. 

So I turned to a friend of mine who’s an old hand at independent consulting. She’s been running a successful business for 6+ years now and is a certified coach too. I went over the conversations I had with the client, the emails, the project terms, the negotiation. Theoretically, everything seemed fine – yet, why was I reluctant to pick this up? Was I being lazy? Or choosy?

“Imagine,” she said, “that this client texts you on a Friday afternoon. How would you feel? Don’t ask your brain – think about how you feel physically.”

As I imagined the situation, I felt my body tensing, my jaw clenching. I was dreading it, that conversation.

“Why?” she asked. “What do you think will happen?”

And it came to me in a rush – all the non-verbal clues I had picked up during my interactions with the client. I felt in my bones that this client would be pushy, disrespectful of my time and boundaries. He was the kind to try to get “maximum bang for his buck” and I didn’t want that sort of negative energy for the next few months till the project ended.

As I thanked her, my friend said, “Most of the time, our bodies know the answer. Even when our mind is confused.” She couldn’t be more right.

Gut feelings. Chills up the spine. Goosebumps. Shaking. Clenched fists. Tight jaws. All these are ways in which our body tells us when something is not okay. And it pays to pay attention to these cues.

How has your year been? What words of wisdom are carrying you into 2022? I’d love to know.

New beginnings.

New beginnings.

I feel as though it’s New Year all over again.

Over the next few weeks, I am shifting jobs. moving to a new house in a different locality, learning driving, and starting to write a book.

The new house:

It’s weird to be excited about moving from your own place to a rented one – it’s usually the other way round for most people! But I am, I am!

I used to commute about 1.5 hours each way when I was in my first ever job. I used to make breakfast, but have lunch at the office cafeteria and eat out for dinner almost every night. Unless SR had actually started dinner prep by the time I got back home. One of the biggest attractions my second job had was that the office was just 2kms away from our home, a real blessing in a city like Bangalore. I developed some good habits because of this – I started cooking both breakfast and lunch, and even dinner on at least 3 week nights. That was a definite improvement. However, I soon started spending the extra time I had saved (on commuting) at my office working (the thought that you can get home in under 15 mins does keep you late at the office!)

Now this one – my third job – is far, far away from our home. It will take me at least 2 hours each way if I were to commute. So as soon as I accepted the offer, I started looking for a new place to stay. Since SR can conduct his business from anywhere, he was also up for it. The only catch was that having lived rent-free for 4 years, paying rent would now take out a huge chunk of our income. But sigh, you can’t have it all! J

The house-hunting – online and offline – went on for a week, and after many frustrating attempts, we finally found a place that both of us liked, would allow us to keep Buttons in the style of living he is used to (!!!) and is just 3kms from my office. I am keeping my fingers crossed until we move!

Moving can be nightmarish, but I am determined to do it with as little fuss and frustration as possible. I don’t want to waste a lot of time doing this, but approach the whole process systematically, starting with what items we intend to move and pre-deciding what pieces of furniture will go where in the new place.

A bigger task is deciding what items to sell or give away. There’s this blog on minimalism that I read regularly – but I have not yet been able to shake myself free of the pleasures of shopping for things I don’t really need. The least I can do is to give away what I already have but don’t need!

The new job:

I am really excited about this company, the people and the role. I believe it is going to be a great opportunity to work with some interesting and talented folks, make a dent in the universe, and of course, learn a lot of new stuff along the way. But every now and then, I get a twinge of nervousness – will I be able to deliver? Will I be able to blow away expectations? Just coping has never been enough – I would be miserable being an average performer in any team.

I always feel that a new job is a great way to reset a lot of things about yourself – a new opportunity to make friends, set a new routine, cultivate new habits and create a new impression. In my previous job, I had gotten into the bad habit of going in late (often by 11 or 11.30) and staying back late (until at least 8.30); this left with me with absolutely no time to do anything either in the morning (because I would inevitably wake up late since I didn’t have to go to work early) or the evening (because all I would be fit for after getting home was to eat and sleep). In the new role, I’d like to start work early, say by 9.30 and get out early so that I don’t have to live for the weekends, but actually enjoy weekday evenings.

And oh, the new apartment has a lovely French window that leads to a balcony with a view – this is a long cherished dream of ours. I am really looking forward to enjoying non-TV dinners!

The decision to learn driving:

I used to ride around on a scooter when I was in engineering college. But before I got around to getting my driving license, I met SR – and all of a sudden, I became that lazy, comfortable creature: the pillion rider! I lost all inclination to get my license or even to learn to drive a car.

Every Vijaydasami for the past 3 years, SR has been making me start the car, drive a few meters, reverse and stop, in the hope that I would take up driving. But I never felt the need to do so.  I would either coax SR to drop me off wherever I want to go, or take the bus or get a cab or an auto.

But recently, we took a 15-hour road trip to Kerala, and I felt terrible that he had to drive all the way! In the weeks since then, a very busy husband, unavailable Ola cabs, disdainful auto drivers and inconvenient buses have reminded me how much I am at their mercy, and how this situation is less than desirable.

For some reason, I feel more comfortable driving a car – a scooter makes me feel exposed and nervous. SR being the ultimate safety advocate wholeheartedly agrees. (Plus, I suspect he has no faith in my reaction time or presence of mind!) So, in May, I am going to learn how to drive a car.


The book:

When SR’s debut novel got published a few months ago, I was very flattered to have three-four friends and relatives ask me when mine was coming out. Well, I have not yet started writing any books, but I finally have an idea that really excites me. A story that I want to write without thinking about the money I will make or the awards I will get. I think the bug’s finally bitten, and I am not going to let my inherent lethargy let the idea fizzle out.

I don’t know where I am going with this or when I will complete it or what I will do with it afterwards – but this is a project of love that I will certainly enjoy working on!

Here’s to new beginnings – and hopefully, happy endings. Cheers. 🙂


PS: When I started writing this blog post, I had no idea what I was going to say or how I would end it. Rusty after so many months of not writing a word, I struggled to complete this. I am trying to not be too critical of this attempt and cut myself some slack. So, up goes this post!

Taking Stock of 2013

I’ve been blogging on and off since 2006, but never once have I had an end-of-the-year post. I have often penned down my New Year resolutions, but I haven’t really looked back at the bygone year and sized up the triumphs and disappointments. I am surprised at this realization, because if you’d asked me, I would have said that understanding what you have done right and wrong is the first step towards growth.

So what has our 2013 been about?

  • Work:

I began the year with a major vote of confidence from my boss. I was only 4 months into my new job, but he told me that I had hit the ground running and that he was expecting great things from me. I began on this high note, and was also promoted mid-year, but it hasn’t been a smooth ride all along.

What has gone well:

  • I handle quite a bit of work independently – I make important decisions, and plan and drive projects on my own.
  • I have managed to set and meet high quality standards in all the work that I am responsible for. Something I never want to compromise on.

What I’d like to do better in 2014:

  • Think like a Product Head – long term vision, scalability, sustainability and profitability.
  • Transform from an independent contributor to a team leader. Being an introvert, I have struggled with this quite a bit. In 2014, I’d like to see myself as a leader who is on top of things (without micromanaging) and who attracts the respect and trust of her team. Working towards this goal. 🙂

SR had to make some major decisions this year – in July, he quit his job with a two-pronged agenda: complete his first novel, and pursue a business idea. The decision was not easy by any stretch of imagination. But he’s been successful on the first count, and hopefully, the second will also see some traction in the coming months.

What I’d like to see in 2014: Our venture taking root, serving at least 5 major clients, and becoming profitable.

  • Writing:

My writing career has seen some successes this year:

But the biggest success of 2013 belongs to SR. We were thrilled when two publishing biggies, Random House and Westland, expressed interest in picking up his first novel –  ‘Kalyug’, a political thriller. We finally went with Westland – more about that in upcoming weeks.

But kudos to you darling, for your focus, courage and perseverance in writing this book – I know how much work it was, and how much effort it required from you. Proud to be Kalyug’s editor!

Which brings me to a minor success on my side. Earlier in 2013, I had expressed a wish to explore book editing as a career option. Today, that is a reality. Both SR and I are editorial consultants with a leading literary agency in India. We work on manuscript assessments, critiques and rework notes, language edits and many more exciting assignments. I think the best thing about this work is that we are now reading a lot of varied literature, even genres we would never have explored otherwise – from self-help and good living to fantasy and thrillers, biographies to exposes.

What I’d like to do in 2014: The ride is just beginning, and we hope that 2014 has a lot more in store for us. We want to write more, review more, and even move onto conducting creative/professional writing workshops.

  • Travel

This year saw us make our first trip abroad – to Singapore. Planning every little part of the trip and hunting for deals online was every bit as awesome as the trip itself. And we managed to complete the 10-day trip on a shoestring budget – glad to help anyone who wants to plan a trip there.

We also traveled to Devarayanadurga, Masinagudi, Sakleshpur, Srirangapatnam and Ranganathittu Bird Sanctuary, but on the whole, 2013 was not as much of a success on the travel front as we had hoped. Our resolution to go somewhere new every month – even if for a day trip – did not really materialize.





What I’d like to do in 2014: At least 4 road trips, 3  weekend getaways and 2 big vacations. The first big  vacation is to Gujarat at the end of this month for a dear  friend’s wedding and exploring the Rann of Kutch. 🙂

  •  Health: 

I can’t not write about health as it is a major contributor to general well-being and happiness. But the report on this front is mixed.

The good part is that (a) since I moved to my new office space in Jan 2013, located at a place with hardly any good vegetarian dining options, I’ve carried a packed lunch to work; as a result, SR has also been getting home-cooked lunch every day. (b) every time we slipped on our food plan or exercise plan (and we slipped many many times! 😦 ), we pulled ourselves up and went back to it.

What I want in 2014: SR and I need to lose 20 kilos between the two of us to go down to our optimum weights. I want us to be more focused and committed towards eating and exercising this year: reach our ideal levels of weight and fitness by March, and maintain those afterwards.

  • Self-development:

Okay, who am I kidding? This is actually the “Miscellaneous” section with some observations and resolutions that I couldn’t fit in anywhere else. 🙂

  • I started painting again in 2013, and this has given me many hours of pleasure. And turning the pages of my drawing book, I realize that I’ve actually become better. So far, I’ve been learning techniques from YouTube videos or other online tutorials, but in 2014, I’d like to attend painting workshops or classes.

    One of my better works!
    One of my better works!
  • We recently visited a cousin’s apartment. She is around my age and has been married as long as I have been. She has a job that’s as demanding as mine. Yet, her house was so pristine, organized and beautiful that I felt ashamed. Yes – I take great pains to ensure that our house – especially the kitchen and the bathrooms – is scrupulously clean. But it is quite messy – there are books and other odds and ends on every possible surface. (‘dirty’ is different from ‘messy’, thank you.) This is something I want to change in 2014 – I want to become a super duper housekeeper. Wow, that rhymes! 🙂
  • We managed to watch quite a few movies last year – the really memorable ones would be Special 26, TDKR, Iron Man 3, North 24 Katham, Punyalan Agabattis and ABCD. Major letdowns would be Ice Age 4, Akam and Despicable Me 2. In 2014, I’d like to see many more awesome Malayalam movies.
  • I love dancing – no, not salsa or tango or anything else that has a name. I just like to put on music and go nuts when no one’s watching. Everyone should try it – it gives you such a liberated, exhilarating feeling. But I haven’t done this enough – in 2014, I want to dance a lot more often.
  • Okay, now I’m running out of patience. So other stuff I want to do in 2014:
    • Star gaze on the terrace every few days.
    • Visit Cubbon Park or Sankey Tank (I love greens and water) every week. CAM00361CAM00346
    • Go to my 3 favorite temples more often – going there makes me feel so peaceful and good that I can never remember why I balked before going.
    • Shop on Commercial Street more often (No, SR – I wasn’t kidding.)
    • Walk back home at least once a week (my office is just 1.5kms away from my house, and I still get SR to pick me up. Shameful, isn’t it?)
    • Play more board games with SR – our building blocks, Monopoly board and pack of cards have given us so much laughter and fun. Nothing beats a good indoor game on a rainy/chilly evening.

I think I will stop here for now.

Not because I have run out of words – I can write so much more.

It took me 3 days to write this blog. And the process of writing this made me think back on an entire year. Three hundred and sixty five days of my life. The decisions I have taken.

And I realize now that I have written only the good things, though I keep mentioning the downs – I have not talked about how Appa was sick for an entire month and we were all scared. Nor the minor but really annoying health issues that Ammai and Amma also went through. Neither the worry and the fear that overwhelmed us while thinking about the risks we were taking professionally and otherwise, nor the moments of discouragement and frustration.

I have written only about the good things  – this wasn’t deliberate. When I took stock of our life in the past year, none of the bad things loomed large. Not because they weren’t there – but because the blessings were bigger and better.

“I used to dream about escaping my ordinary life, but my life was never ordinary. I had simply failed to notice how extraordinary it was.” Ransom Riggs.

And that is something I want to carry forward to the next year too. No regrets, no worries. Only hopes and dreams.

Here’s wishing each and every one of you a wonderful 2014 – a year like never before. Full of good health, happiness and contentment. God bless!